A mentorship for mastering your unique healing gifts

Energy healing is a highly advanced technology that many are feeling called to activate. Every energy healer came to earth with their own unique energies, codes, and healing abilities that are encoded into them. Rather than teaching you specific healing modalities, this container will help you remember and activate these innate gifts from within you and then master them. We will unlock your soul’s pure frequencies and healer blueprint through deeply clearing you energy field, opening & activating your channel, raising your frequency and fully grounding you back down into your body & your earth mission. You will open your intuition and learn to safely navigate the energetic realms to facilitate deep healing for yourself and others. This mentorship provides you with everything you need to become a powerful, successful, responsible, and heart-centered healer while using your own signature energies and healing modalities.

What’s included:

  • 2-5 months of weekly or biweekly sessions with deep energetic healing work, gift activations & upgrades, energetic attunements, trainings, and channeled guidance

  • Optional telegram chat & channeling support between calls

  • Access to a network of other powerful energy healers

  • Structured guidance, lessons, & resources on:

  • Advanced energetic grounding, clearing, and protection for you and your healing practice

  • Activating your intuition/psychic abilities and mastering discernment

  • How to channel and work with energies for yourself and others

  • Trauma-informed somatic energetic processing

  • Reprogramming the consciousness & quantum shifting

  • Safely working with spirit guides, other dimensional beings, and other dimensions

  • Navigating energetic light body activations & upgrades

  • Running an integrous successful healing business

  • Living your earth mission and embodying your soul’s frequency

“With Mollie's support and mentorship, I started to vividly remember other lifetimes where I was a healer who channeled my own energy frequency, and where I trained others to do the same. This was the energy that I was pulling through to use again in this lifetime, it was an instant soul resonance that I wasn't getting comfortable with a NEW energy modality, but I was remembering how I used my own before. Yes, you can channel your own healing frequencies on your own - but working with a mentor takes out a lot of the guess work and supports you in stepping into a new level of spiritual leadership with integrity.”

“When I first felt called to be an energy healer myself, I knew I desired a mentor who runs her business and life with complete integrity, love, and light. Having Mollie support me as I navigated the attunement process and started working on others and sharing my energy healing gifts was priceless. She made me feel so confident to explore my gifts and I truly believe that sped up the process for me. Just a few months after our 3 month mentorship ended, I have built a business as an energy healer and manifestation / spiritual mentor that is growing every month. I feel so lit up sharing my gifts with confidence, receiving amazing feedback from clients. I thank Mollie so much for this; for helping me activate my soul gifts, believe in my channel, and have confidence in my energy healing abilities.”

This mentorship container can be either online or in-person in Costa Rica. The length & depth of the training depends on your current level of practice, book a call with me to discuss more details or choose a mentorship package that works for you. You can also contact me with any questions you have.

“Spiritual mentorship with Mollie was one of the best investments I’ve ever made in myself. I have been working with Mollie for a few years as my energy healer so when I was ready to dive deeper on my spiritual awakening, I knew she would be the right choice. The 3 months we worked together in closer proximity was absolutely life changing, everything in my life changed for the better. Manifestations flowed in easier, I learned to trust my intuition on a much deeper level, and activated my psychic gifts and energy healing abilities.”