

available online or in-person in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica


Rebirth Breathwork

This is an ancient3-part pranayama breath technique that deeply clears your energy body, heals emotional wounds or trauma, releases blocks, and reprograms your consciousness. It also allows you to activate deeper states of consciousness to shift your energy on deeper levels and create quantum shifts in your physical reality. The experience provides clarity, deep healing, realignment or expansion in your life, and upgrades for your mind, body, & spirit. During the session I will guide you through the breathwork journey, channel healing energies, and at the end you will receive an energy reading.

“the most powerful single therapeutic session I've ever experienced…”

Energy Healing

I work with many different types of high frequency energies that can be used to clear emotional blocks, shift old programs, heal traumas, heal the physical body, open your intuition, raise your consciousness, activate your soul’s mission, manifest, shift timelines, etc. These powerful energies get to the root of whatever you want shifted in your life and recalibrate things on the quantum level. The intention is for you to receive whatever energies and shifts will serve your highest alignment. During these sessions, we will start with a brief meditation and you will lay down and relax while I channel and work on your energy field. You will receive a channeled reading at the end of the session.

“I felt absolutely incredible after, I felt very clear, and I still can feel it! Definitely one of the best energy healing sessions I’ve ever had.”

Intuitive Channeled Readings

During these sessions, I will connect with your higher self or other benevolent beings of light to share guidance and codes from them with you. This information could be guidance around your healing journey, relationships, soul purpose/mission, spiritual journey, manifestating, etc. Before the session you can share questions you have with me or whatever you would like me to tune into. On the booking page you have the options of either a mini reading done over voice-messaging, or a live in-depth reading on zoom.

“wow I’m blown away listening to you because it’s like hearing the voice of my soul reflected back to me…”

*If you would like to buy multiple sessions, contact me directly about creating a discounted session package for you.

Spiritual Mentorship

This is a journey of self-mastery, spiritual development, and living your soul’s mission on earth. We can work on raising your consciousness & frequency, opening your intuition, connecting deeper with your spirit guides, or learning how to stay more energetically protected, clear, grounded, and aligned. We can dive deep into subconscious reprogramming and energy work to help you heal & clear what’s blocking your true purpose or master manifestation. You can receive activations and DNA upgrades to help you step into your full spiritual power and embody your multi-dimensional self. You will learn how to stay anchored into integrity and heart-consciousness as you progress on your spiritual journey. As a trained intuitive & healer, I use strong energetic protection and my teachings/channeled energies are of the highest truth and light. This will be a customized mentorship container, please schedule a call with me below to design your journey with me.


energy healer training

a mentorship container for activating and mastering your unique healing gifts